Case Study, CIRCE for Care Management
Case Study Empowering Communities: Enhancing Operations at TNDC In February 2016, The Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation (TNDC) embarked on an innovative journey with CIRCE to transform their care management approach. TNDC’s dedicated staff,...
Case Study, CIRCE for Case Management
Case Study Unlocking Better Care: CIRCE Brings Solutions to Family Paths, Inc. In 2018, Family Paths, Inc. collaborated with us to implement our CIRCE care management software powered by Salesforce. We tailored our services to meet the specific needs of Family Path’s...
Case Study, CIRCE for Case Management, Systems Migrations
Case Study Transformative Solutions: CIRCE’s Partnership with Felton Institute CIRCE enables Felton Institute to manage everything from client intake and assessment to setting goals and objectives, tracking progress and productivity, reporting, and billing easily and...
Case Study, Contact Center Solutions
Case Study Dialing Hope: The Impact of CIRCE on 988 Crisis Lifeline Management in San Francisco CIRCE partnered with Felton Institute’s San Francisco Suicide Prevention to address the needs of their Suicide and Crisis Hotlines, including the initial launch of SAMHSA’s...